Posts tagged Opera Grows in Brooklyn
AOP and OOT's new mission (if you choose to accept it)
American Opera ProjectsAmerican Opera ProjectsAnne Hiatt, Anne Ricci, Ben Franklin, Brooklyn, burlesque, Creamy Stevens, Curiouser & Curiouser, David Del Tredici, Dreaming of Wonderland, DUMBO, Galapagos Art Space, Haddocks' Eyes, Jenny C'est Quoi, Joshua Dean, Lewis Carroll, Manly Romero, Matt Gray, neo-classical, opera, Opera Grows in Brooklyn, Opera on Tap, OPERAtion Brooklyn, Rita MenWeep, Robert Elmes, Susan Botti, Tigger!, Wonderglass
AOP REVIEWS: "Remarkable series" Opera Grows in Brooklyn "an open-minded night of musical experimentation"
American Opera Projects, ReviewsAmerican Opera ProjectsAdrienne Danrich, Andrew Staniland, Brooklyn, Brooklyn hipster, Calamus Songs, Composers & the Voice, Corey Dargel, Daniel Felsenfeld, DUMBO, experimental opera, Galapagos Art Space, Gilda Lyons, Hamilton Berry, Indre Viskontas, Kathleen Supové, Kelly Horsted, Mark Adamo, Mark Campbell, Nicole Mitchell, Opera Grows in Brooklyn, Opera on Tap, Removable Parts, Ross Benoliel, Sarah Stern, Songs from Hood to Riches, The Bloody Chamber, Walt Whitman Project
Opera Grows in Brooklyn is the place to see "the next great masterwork by the next great composer"
American Opera Projects, Composers & the Voice, Press reviews and arti...American Opera ProjectsAbigail Fischer, Absynth, Alteouise deVaughn, Andrew Staniland, Caleb Burhans, Clint Borzoni, Craig Kelton Peterson, Dennis Blackwell, Dreams of Pure Spirit, Emily Conbere, Erin Posanti, Florent Ghys, Galapagos Art Space, Kevin McFarland, Kimberly Sogioka, Lisa Williamson, Margot Alone in the Light, Martha Guth, Mateo Moreno, Matt Gray, Michael Anthony McGee, Nico Muhly, Opera Grows in Brooklyn, Opera on Tap, Parterre Box, Ray Bradbury, Rebecca Jo Loeb, Stephen Andrew Taylor, Tom Cipullo, Tory Browers
April line-up for "Opera Grows in Brooklyn" announced
American Opera ProjectsAbigail Fischer, Absynth, Alteouise de Vaughn, American Opera Projects, Andrew Staniland, Caleb Burhans, Clint Borzoni, Composers & the Voice, DUMBO, Emily Conbere, Florent Ghys, Galapagos Art Space, Jennifer Peterson, Kevin McFarland, Margot Alone in the Light, Martha Guth, Michael Anthony McGee, Nico Muhly, Opera Grows in Brooklyn, Opera on Tap, operamission, Ray Bradbury, Rebecca Jo Loeb, Scott C- Embler, Stephen Andrew Taylor, Tom Cipullo, Tory Browers
Brooklyn Daily Eagle profiles Opera Grows in Brooklyn
AOP on the Road, Press reviews and arti...American Opera ProjectsAnne Ricci, Brooklyn Eagle, David Cote, David T- Little, Fade, Galapagos Art Space, Gilda Lyons, Opera Grows in Brooklyn, Opera on Tap, Songs from the F Train, Stefan Weisman
Curator blog calls Opera Grows in Brooklyn a benefit to the city
Love/Hate, Press reviews and arti...American Opera ProjectsCaren France, Curator, Galapagos Art Space, Jack Perla, Manhattan School of Music, Opera Grows in Brooklyn, Opera on Tap, Remarkable Theater Brigade, Rob Bailis, Silas Huff