Posts in Press reviews and arti...
"Startling," "gripping" THE ECHO DRIFT finishes "virtuoso" run at Prototype Festival
American Opera Projects, Echo Drift, Press reviews and arti..., Reviews, World PremieresAmerican Opera ProjectsBaruch Performing Arts Center, Beth Morrison Projects, Blythe Gaissert, Chamber Opera, contemporary opera, Elle Kunnos de Voss, HERE Arts Center, ICE Ensemble, John Kelly, Kathryn Krasovec, Kathryn Walat, Mikael Karlsson, moth, opera, PROTOTYPE Festival, solitary confinement
AOP to present the complete video of the 2014 world premiere of As One for one week
American Opera Projects, As One, CDs and recordings, Patience & Sarah, Paul's Case, press releases, Press reviews and arti..., World PremieresAmerican Opera Projectsbroadcast, Kelly Markgraf, LGBTQ, new opera, opera, premiere, pride, recording, Sasha Cooke, transgender, video, world premiere
"Inspiring and groundbreaking" AS ONE heads toward record number of productions
“Powerful”, “engrossing” Paradise Interrupted garners raves at Lincoln Center Festival
"Magic" chamber dance opera Hagoromo premieres in sold-out run at BAM
American Opera Projects, Hagoromo, Press reviews and arti..., Reviews, World PremieresAmerican Opera ProjectsBAM, BAM NextWave, Chamber Opera, dance, Noh, puppetry, Wendy Whelan
"Opera has come a long way, baby" with the D.C. premiere of AS ONE
American Opera Projects, AOP on the Road, As One, Press reviews and arti..., ReviewsAmerican Opera Projectscontemporary opera, Norway, opera, premiere, press, reviews, transgender, UrbanArias
The Wanton Sublime hailed as emotionally captivating and beautifully written
American Opera Projects, AOP on the Road, Press reviews and arti..., ReviewsAmerican Opera ProjectsAndrew Griffiths, Anna Rabinowitz, art, classical music, contemporary music, contemporary opera, divine, feminism, Grimeborn Festival, Hai-Ting Chinn, London, musical theater, New York, NYC, opera, Orpheus Singonia, performance, play, religion, Robert Shaw, Robert Workman, Tarik O'Regan, The Guardian, The Stage, The Telegraph, The Wanton Sublime, Virgin Mary
"Mesmerizing", "marvelous" Paradise Interrupted premieres at Spoleto Festival
US premiere of Heart of Darkness has sold-out run in San Francisco
Critics speak "As One" in praise of latest AOP opera
American Opera Projects, As One, Press reviews and arti..., ReviewsAmerican Opera ProjectsAOP, BAM, BAM Fisher, Kelly Markgraf, Kimberly Reed, Laura Kaminsky, Mark Campbell, reviews, Sasha Cooke
"And Death Shall Have No Dominion" comes to New York
American Opera Projects, press releases, Press reviews and arti..., World PremieresAmerican Opera ProjectsAnd Death Shall Have No Dominion, Asphalt Orchestra, David Schmidt, Eleanor Taylor, Glenn Seven Allen, Kathryn Krasovec, LMCC, Make Music New York, Pete M- Wyer, River to River Festival
Critics call PAUL'S CASE a "Masterpiece"
Baltimore Sun shines on upcoming "Lost Childhood" concert
American Opera Projects, AOP on the Road, Lost Childhood, Press reviews and arti...American Opera ProjectsBaltimore Sun, BaltimoreSun, Janice Hamer, Kristallnacht, LostChildhood, MaryAzrael, Strathmore Music Center
AOP's Charles Jarden talks to The Washington Post about the art of opera development
American Opera Projects, AOP organizational news, Monodramas, Nora In the Great Outd..., Opera news and views, Press reviews and arti...American Opera ProjectsAOP, Charles Jarden, commission opera, opera development, opera workshop, The Washington Post, UrbanArias
"something I would never, could never do, in a more traditional concert setting"
Two World Premieres and many, many raves
American Opera Projects, AOP on the Road, Paul's Case, Press reviews and arti..., Reviews, The Blind, World PremieresAmerican Opera Projectsgreek myth, Gregory Spears, Judgment of Midas, Kamran Ince, opera, raves, suicide, Willa Cather, world premieres
O'Regan/Phillips open their “Heart” to praise at London premiere
American Opera Projects, AOP on the Road, Heart of Darkness, Press reviews and arti..., Reviews, World PremieresAmerican Opera ProjectsAlan Oke, Congo, Joseph Conrad, London, Opera East, OperaGenesis, ROH2, Royal Opera House, Tarik O'Regan, Tom Phillips
AOP Performance Review: "In the Penal Colony"
Young AOP Poet featured on