Tarik O'Regan's "Latent Manifest" Wows British Audiences

Tarik O'Regan, known to AOP audiences as the composer of Heart of Darkness, has just premiered a new piece in London to rave reviews! Part of the BBC Proms 2010 program, the piece, Latent Manifest, is inspired by the prelude to Bach's solo violin partita no. 3 in C Major, BWV 1005. The piece was performed in Royal Albert Hall by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra on August 14th, under the baton of Andrew Litton, and broadcast live on BBC 2, BBC HD, and BBC Radio 3. British publications are applauding O'Regan's great success:

...a gracefully-controlled meditation on a single Bach phrase.

- Michael Church, The Independent

...[a] personal canvas, taking us a long way from a literal reworking into the realms of evanescent fantasy, with delicately evocative results.

- George Hall, The Guardian

...a beguiling response to response itself - a mirage of intimations and allusions to [O’Regan’s] own experience of hearing Bach's third solo Violin Sonata.

- Hilary Finch, The Times

Tarik O'Regan's Latent Manifest ambitiously tried to bring out the implied harmonies and textures of a solo violin piece[...]it created an atmosphere all of its own.

- Paul Gent, The Telegraph

...atmospheric [and] imaginative.

- Richard Fairman, Financial Times

...enjoyable and well written.

- Barry Millington, The Evening Standard

Check out the full piece![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6DP1eFCcd0&fs=1&hl=en_US]

  • Tarik O’Regan’s Latent Manifest ambitiously tried to bring out the implied harmonies and textures of a solo violin piece[…]it created an atmosphere all of its own.