Posts tagged Risa Renae Harman
"Without people like her, we women wouldn't be doing what we are these days"
American Opera Projects, AOP SpotlightAmerican Opera ProjectsBeauty Intolerable, ClaverackLanding, Deanne Meek, Edna St- Vincent Millay, Lauren Flanigan, opera, poetry, Risa Renae Harman, Savage Beauty, Sheila Silver, Steepletop, Symphony Space
Millay Poetry Inspires June AOP Premiere
American Opera Projects, AOP on the Road, World PremieresAmerican Opera ProjectsBeauty Intolerable, Christopher Cooley, Deanne Meek, Edna St- Vincent Millay, Kelly Horsted, Lauren Flanigan, opera, Risa Renae Harman, Sheila Silver, Tandy Cronyn, Tyne Daly