New Ince CDs Released On Naxos

Kamran Ince, the composer of AOP's upcoming concert in Turkey of Judgment of Midas, had three new CDs released digitally on Naxos this past month, with a fourth making its debut in October.

(Reviews excerpted from Tom Strini's "About This Recording" on Naxos.)

Music for a Lost Earth, with the Istanbul Modern Music Ensemble

"Imagine travelling through a desert, all sand and stars and moon on a still night. And there, without explanation or context, stands a chair, placed just so on the sand. Thus the ordinary becomes an object of mystery and contemplation. Kamran’s lonely little chords are like that chair—utterly familiar, utterly strange, utterly ambiguous, and somehow poignant. They prompt a small, unidentifiable heartache. Something is present, but someone is missing." To continue reading, click here.

Hammers and Whistlers, with the Present Music Ensemble

"The stream-of-consciousness whirl, built around a surreal poem by İzzeddin Çalışlar, includes jangle and clatter and avian chirping, iron-foundry pounding, bedlams of overlapping melodies and all manner of alarms and cries. Calm, quiet choral chants butt against crashing gongs and blasting brass..." To continue reading, click here.

Symphony No. 5, "Galatasaray," with the Bilkent Symphony

"In the third movement, a swaggering advance in 3/4 time underpins building pre-match excitement, anticipated in sung dialogue between tenor and boy soprano...With its soloists and chorus and reverent and rousing words and music, the Symphony No. 5 is like an oratorio devoted to a soccer team." To continue reading, click here.

The CDs can also be downloaded through Amazon by searching for "Kamran Ince" on their website.

Galatasaray will be released in hard copy in April 2011 and Hammers and Whistlers will have a limited hard copy release in a few months.  The fourth CD, Constantinople, will be released in hard copy in July 2011.