Osgood to conduct Oresteia and Marco Polo

Steven Osgood Former AOP Artistic Director Steven Osgood will take the baton to an upcoming American premiere and new production in The Netherlands. Osgood will conduct the opening of the Miller Theater's season in September with Iannis Xenakis's Oresteia, and will make his debut with De Nederlandse Opera in November conducting Tan Dun's Marco Polo.

Iannis Xenakis: Oresteia The Miller Theatre at Columbia University September 13, 16 & 17 @ 8:00

Steven Osgood, conductor Luca Veggetti, director and choreographer

Xenakis's only opera, receiving its U.S. premiere, throws together one soloist (Wilbur Pauley), 18 women, 16 men, 20 children, 6 dancers, and 13 instrumentalists (from the remarkable ICE Ensemble).  And if that were not enough, everyone on stage has a handful of percussion instruments-- slapsticks, maracas, simantras, and Acme sirens!  At the end of the opera's 70 minutes of singing and shouting in Ancient Greek, 200 lucky audience members are given small mylar flags to wave in celebration.

For more details and to purchase tickets, click here.

Tan Dun: Marco Polo De Nederlandse Opera November 23 (mat), 26, 28

Steven Osgood, conductor Pierre Audi, director

This new production of Marco Polo features an international cast, including my old friends Nancy Allen Lundy, Stephen Bryant and Charles Workman.  The opera is a fantastic and imaginative musical journey from Italy to China which I have long looked forward to conducting.  I am happy to be be collaborating again with Tan, who will conduct the beginning of the run, and am very excited to be making my debut with De Nederlandse Opera.

For more details and to purchase tickets, click here