Steven Osgood steps down as Artistic Director of AOP

Steve Osgood headshotSteven Osgood will step down as Artistic Director of American Opera Projects (AOP) after a seven-year tenure during which he played a crucial role in helping to implement the company’s mission to commission, develop and present new, innovative opera theater works.

Osgood, who made his decision after consultation with the Board, cited the pressures of increased personal and professional demands here and abroad as preventing him from continuing to devote sufficient time to his AOP commitments. It is with great regret that the Board of Directors accepts his resignation. The Board wishes him continued success in all his future endeavors.

Osgood wrote the following about his decision to resign:

American Opera Projects has been a monumental part of my life and career over the last 14 years. My work with the company has introduced me to artists who have become long-lasting colleagues and friends. It has given me the opportunity to delve into a vast repertoire of incredibly varied new pieces. Perhaps most importantly, I have had a home base to return to, and have been given a working laboratory in which to explore concepts and theories of how today’s opera should work. I draw on this experience daily in my work on both contemporary and standard repertoire, and the depth that it brings to that work is irreplaceable.

Stepping down at this time is an extremely difficult decision, especially as I see the fruits of so much of our labor over the past seven years coming in. I do look forward to as many opportunities as possible to work with the company on projects and programs I have fostered, as well as new pieces that are on the horizon.”

Executive Director, Charles Jarden, said, “We are all very sorry to see Steve go. He has been with us through thick and thin, devoting himself to helping AOP develop into the strong and stable company it is today. He has proven himself to be outstanding in his collegiality and musicianship. Indeed, all of us at AOP look forward to continuing our relationship with Steve on a freelance basis as AOP continues its exciting forward momentum.”

Mr. Osgood will continue to lead AOP’s Composers and the Voice program until this season’s final concerts on May 8 and May 9. Composers and the Voice, now in its fifth year and a model educational program for professionals at all levels, is the internationally acclaimed AOP initiative founded and directed by Osgood.

A search committee to replace Mr. Osgood is in formation.